Licensed Adjuster
Consultation & Verification Of Damage with Written Report
(Mileage waived in Denver Metro)
Used to verify or validate damage or product. This is NOT a complete assessment of the property or collateral damage. This service does not include any product/damage/repair research/pricing, etc. If a complete Narrative Report, Property Scope and Xactimate Worksheet is desired, then the service would be converted to an Expert Opinion.
Fee: $250 for BASIC Roof/Property Certification, damage certification or repair opinion:
Provide damage verification (type/extent) or product identification as 3rd party consultant - verbal and written report/narrative.
Perform requested service per detailed instructions & provide written summary.
Take and upload basic property and damage photos (test squares not included) that may include any or all of the following:
Front and rear overview
HAAG gauge or visual ID of material (ITEL Reports available with fee)
Pitch/es (as needed)
Layers (as needed)
1-2 overview photos of damage or product
Non-standard items (as needed - evaporative cooler, flashing, etc)
Take limited measurements (ie: product dimensions)
Expert Opinion and In Person Property Assessment with Written Bid:
Used to perform a FULL damage verification of a property or comprehensive product research and includes all supporting repair/product documentation with a formal estimate/price, including collateral damage.
Fee is $450 for FULL damage verification or comprehensive product research:
Provide damage written assessment, summary or report as 3rd party (with or without Adjuster) when the Carrier and homeowner's contractor disagree or require additional expertise. Typically, an adjuster's estimate has already been written.
Perform requested service per detailed instructions
Take photos, measurements, create diagram, create Xactimate estimate, etc.
Take and upload damage photos including:
Front and rear overview
HAAG gauge
Pitch/es (as needed, if different pitches on structure)
Layers (destructive testing/core samples as needed)--
Photos of affected areas (depending on request) are one or both of following:
Test Squares and details of damage as applicable
Requested detail and overview photos to document condition of roof
Non-standard items (as needed - evaporative cooler, flashing, etc)
Deck spacing (as needed)
Risk (as needed - cracked driveway, non-storm damage, etc)
Create and label the diagram, add dimensions per type of request
Create and upload Xactimate estimate